Dear Vani- its really nice to hear you sing again and see you on video.Its been a long 9 years.
Keep up the good work.
Love from all in Durban.
L;ove and regards.
Oau! Dear Vani, for me was bigger the surprise to see you singing !you are so beautiful when you sing and also always. I love you alot ! Gabriela si familia
My Dearest Sister…you were simply amazing !! you sang soooo beautifully & so much from heart…It was such beautiful feeling to listen to this melodious recital ๐
Thank you form the bottom of my heart for this beautifull music..
Dear Vani- its really nice to hear you sing again and see you on video.Its been a long 9 years.
Keep up the good work.
Love from all in Durban.
L;ove and regards.
Oau! Dear Vani, for me was bigger the surprise to see you singing !you are so beautiful when you sing and also always. I love you alot ! Gabriela si familia
Thank you!
wow vani i listened this bhajan by you, i m so joyful to see you oo vedio…….
My Dearest Sister…you were simply amazing !! you sang soooo beautifully & so much from heart…It was such beautiful feeling to listen to this melodious recital ๐
Jai Shri mata ji , it was a very cool and devotional song in respect of shri mata ji